Residual Quantum Cleanse for Abuse mp3

Residual Quantum Cleanse for Abuse mp3


This brief activation can be run after the completion of Quantum Spin Wave Sessions.  Specifically focused to follow sessions revolving around abuse, this may still be used for clearing other residual energies from large amounts of personal work.
After large quantities of polarized charges are neutralized by Quantum Spin Wave, this coded cleanse sweeps out remnant bi-products that exist from your body and being carrying lifetimes of polarized charges.

CLICK HERE to view Quantum Spin Wave FAQs.

Quantum Spin Wave:

  • Focuses on prevalent elements that commonly hold great amounts of locked energies throughout your being and body.

  • Clears entangled threads which reoccur throughout the entirety of your timeline.

  • Accesses brain systems and induces brainwave states for the eradication of associative and dissociative memories.

  • Sets a stage for Immortal Face & Body lifts to operate at elevated levels. 

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Would you like multiple Quantum Spins, but don't know which ones are the best for you? Check out Big Change Packages.


Rann did a Spin Wave session on me to help with my body image issues which included weight problems, sexual trauma, and deep hurt within me. Rann worked on the parts of me that didn't want to be freed. I can remember feeling a level of bliss that permeated my entire being!!

After the session was done I couldn't even remember what we were working on!! It was incredible!!! The crazy thing about it is that when you forget the problem that you had… it's not able to recreate itself again in your life, and that's what was so incredible about what she did for me!

Rann was able to release these issues from my being …effortlessly! It was incredible!! Rann is amazing at what she does and I can't help but love her!!



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