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More about The Immortal Face Lift
The Immortal Face Lift
This energetic facelift activation is the invitation to embrace your own immortality. Your face is your calling card, and this activation will facilitate a natural peace and brilliance which is delivered through your face, both physically and energetically. It is not for changing bad looks to good looks. It is for anyone looking to emanate immortality in his/her visage and presence.
This mp3 is an energetic face lift activation that has been specifically coded by Rann for:
enlivening skin with light and color
enlivening skin and muscular structure with elasticity
neutralizing facial charges which cause rigidity
neutralizing facial charges which cause wrinkles
introduction of allowance for physical and energetic shifts which promote rejuvenation
Post session experiences may include:
facial muscular aching
noticeable changes in facial features
noticeable changes in facial demeanor
noticeable changes in behavioral responses of others