Pyramid Activations & The Pyramid Spa
What are Pyramid Activations?
Pyramid Activations are coded energy sessions which utilize the technologies of pyramids to create connections and harmonics for a variety of personal facilitations.
Chambers are the places that a pyramid will gather energy to generate a series of pulses which are delivered by frequency.
Some pyramids have one chamber, and others have multiple chambers. When there are more chambers, there are greater varieties of harmonics available for an activation.
Any pyramid may facilitate these activations. You may not know which pyramid is working with you, but the mechanics and technology of the appropriate pyramid for your highest interests will lead each session.
How Do Pyramid Activations Work?
Pyramid Activations operate at levels beyond operators and receivers. No single person is in control of these activations. Letting go of your need to control generates greater results during Pyramid Activations.
These activations are the invitation to lose the lower forms of connection and attachment so that new opportunities may be opened and explored. You are the door, the activation opens the door.
Pyramid Activations work on the receiver’s behalf. These are not activations which may be manipulated by lower forms of conscious connections (such as desires for yourself to change or your desire for others to change, if/then scenarios, attempts to control or win).
Some Of The Things That Pyramids Do:
Pyramids cleanse at planetary scales and beyond planets.
Pyramids use natural grids and natural systems to access beyond their physical locations. This allows your to plug into these same grids and systems.
Pyramids operate with levels of light, sound and elements at which we can basically comprehend, but require us to let go of what we think we know and understand.
Pyramids connect individuals with energies needed without the prerequisite of study, knowledge or previous experience.
Pyramids transmute energies, advance neutrality, and promote higher states of consciousness
*It is best for one to be ready for change and not in the place of demanding certain change.
What is the Pyramid Spa?
The Pyramid Spa is a Oneness Is Everything Energetic Operating System. It works for all energy activations on this site (and others), and the pyramid spa is specifically coded and managed by pyramid technology. The Pyramid Spa operates without time or space. This means that while this spa session is open, changes are not dependent or reflected by quantities of time or space. Changes can seem to appear quickly. Changes can seem to appear lengthy. The truth is that Change occurs no matter what your perceptions may be.
Why Would I want to Use the Pyramid Spa?
Pyramid Spa specifically operates regarding principles of divine truth and divine harmony.
Pyramid Spa operates regarding balance and neutrality. This means that effects of changes which would otherwise cause imbalance are made equal for your benefit.
Pyramid Spa is an energetic operating system, so it can be used in conjunction with all energy modalities.
If there is concern about the validity of other energy sessions in accordance with your best interests, the Pyramid Spa will only allow for changes of appropriate benefit.
How Do I Access the Pyramid Spa?
The Pyramid Spa is available with your All Access Bath House Pass.
Energy Spa is currently under construction
This is a recurring payment subscription which renews every 30 days, and you may cancel your subscription at any time. Please keep in mind, that once payment has been made for a subscription period, refunds will not be granted.
Is this Pyramid Spa the Same as The Time Spa?
Whereas the Time Spa manages shifts with the manipulation of timelines, The Pyramid Spa operates without time completely. Instead the mathematical coding and functions of pyramids themselves administers the void in which essential transformations can occur with precision. The Pyramid Spa is based upon mathematical prime numbers. It shifts all forms of disruption and deviance from unity into root forms which are able to easily combine into simple, harmonic precision.
The Pyramid Spa may be utilized to facilitate Time Spa and Time Spa Quantum Rapport Sessions (this includes Immortal Face Lifts). The Time Spa is not suited for facilitating Pyramid Spa sessions.
Can I Use The Pyramid spa for my other energy sessions and mp3s?
Yes. The Pyramid Spa is an energetic operating system that is intended for collaborative use with other energy sessions. It may be run on its own, and it may be run in combination with one or several other energy sessions. It is best practice to open the Pyramid Spa first, then begin other sessions.
If other sessions exceed the allotted window for the Pyramid Spa, then pause the Pyramid Spa stream in order to accommodate the spa window.*
*Always remember to continue the Pyramid Spa after pausing so that each session may be completed.
*When utilizing the Pyramid Spa in conjunction with live sessions or classrooms, allow the spa to be completed in between breaks.
Can I use The Pyramid Spa while sleeping?
Yes. *Always remember to continue the Pyramid Spa after pausing so that each session may be completed. **It is not required to pause the spa while sleeping.
Can I Jump Forward in order to have a shorter Pyramid Spa Session?
Yes. When Jumping forward after the session has initiated, ensure that the last 2 minutes of the spa session window are not skipped. The last 2 minutes of the Pyramid Spa audio stream include key coding for session completion.