Fear of Success; Quantum Spin Wave Session - mp3

Fear of Success; Quantum Spin Wave Session - mp3


Quantum Spins for Fear: Fear of Success

Sometimes it is remarkable how much a person can deny because of fear.  It is also remarkable how much a person can create because of fear.  It seems contradictory for someone to be afraid of success, but there are may ways that this can manifest in someone's reality.  From childhood experiences and family entrainment to lack of self worth and inability to engage in personal challenge- fear of success will stop an person in his/her tracks.

This Session:

  • Clears greatest impacting energies surrounding all events, persons, things, and environments related to all positive and negative charges around fear of success.

  • Addresses associations and misapplications of fear of success.

  • Neutralizes both positive and negative charges which cause behavioral, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual manifestations related to fear of success throughout all timelines.

  • Locates and nullifies keystone events throughout all timelines which contribute to large scale patterns related to fear of success.

This session addresses all  that goes along with the title.  It is also an appropriate session

  • for those who self sabotage.

  • those who are afraid of changing their current circumstances - feeling lack of power.

  • those who project negative outcomes to avoid receiving what they truly want.

  • **This is a good partner session for QSW for Fear of Failure.


CLICK HERE to view Quantum Spin Wave FAQs.

Quantum Spin Wave:

  • Focuses on prevalent elements that commonly hold great amounts of locked energies throughout your being and body.

  • Clears entangled threads which reoccur throughout the entirety of your timeline.

  • Accesses brain systems and induces brainwave states for the eradication of associative and dissociative memories.

  • Sets a stage for Immortal Face & Body lifts to operate at elevated levels.


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What do these terms mean?

“...greatest impacting energies surrounding all events, persons, things, and environments related to all positive and negative charges...”
This refers to the amount of energy you hold on an event, a person (or a person during an event), a certain thing, or an environment.  All of these factors can play roles in maintaining energetic charge, behaviors, likes, dislikes, and recreating certain types of relationships.

“...associations and misapplications...”
This refers to things which may seem relatable to a topic but in truth have an entirely different meaning.  Holding associations and misapplications in place can push certain desirable things away and attract non desirable things instead.

“...positive and negative charges which cause behavioral, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual manifestations...”
Very simply put, if you like something, you are either going to hold onto it or you are going to create more of it.  If you don’t like something, you are going to reject it - sometimes to the degree of attracting it. These show up in many ways, frequently and typically in mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical ways.

“Locates and nullifies keystone events throughout all timelines which contribute to large scale patterns..”
Quantum Spins don’t just neutralize items from this lifetime.  They are designed to locate entanglement junctures which create and perpetuate patterns and cycles throughout multiple lifetimes, lineage, ancestry and genetic coding.  This removes the confusing drive to act against your better interests, even when you know better.

Quantum Spin Wave FAQs


Rann did a Spin Wave session on me to help with my body image issues which included weight problems, sexual trauma, and deep hurt within me. Rann worked on the parts of me that didn't want to be freed. I can remember feeling a level of bliss that permeated my entire being!!

After the session was done I couldn't even remember what we were working on!! It was incredible!!! The crazy thing about it is that when you forget the problem that you had… it's not able to recreate itself again in your life, and that's what was so incredible about what she did for me!

Rann was able to release these issues from my being …effortlessly! It was incredible!! Rann is amazing at what she does and I can't help but love her!!


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