The Pleasure Button Face & Body Lift

The Pleasure Button Face & Body Lift


The Pleasure Button Face & Body Lift
is the next evolution of the Youthening Face & Body Lift.  This face & body lift liberates energies that have been locked into polarity, and then uses released polar charges to generate a fantastic perpetual energy flow from the inside out.   It deliberately focuses on clearing the urges and behaviors associated with addiction, holding on, and resisting change; and induces a natural release of energies, hormones and chemicals that are ultimately reduced or shut down by harmful foods and substance abuse.     

    The Pleasure Button Face & Body Lift has been specifically coded by Rann for:

  • calibration and release of happiness chemicals and hormones 
  • removing obstructions and sabotage systems
  • weight loss and weight gain support
  • calibration and neutralization of drug and/or stress induced chemicals and hormones
  • clearing addictive behaviors and patterns including dependency and co dependency
  • neutralizing large scale charges and patterns
  • Increasing production of abundant and prosperous energy flows.

    Post session experiences may include:

    •    heightened energy
    •    physical and energetic balance
    •    clearer vision
    •    feeling less stressed
    •    less facial tension
    •    greater personal presence

The Pleasure Button Face & Body Lift Activation is facilitated by phone or webcast and comes with an mp3 recording.

For a list of all Energetic Facelifts and Activations CLICK HERE


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The Immortal Rann began coding Immortal Face Lifts after she recorded the 14 channeled sessions - Confessions of a True Immortal.  The Immortal Rann is a conscious channel that introduces the Immortal Lifestyle through the comparison of mortality and immortality- mortality being the lifestyle of dying; and immortality being the lifestyle of living.  Utilizing the tools of Living, the Immortal Rann brings her listeners’ various mortal energies to the surface and clears them through her own encoded modality.  Each track doubles as class and individual energy session, set up to clear limitations and fears; and bring within reach- the keys to immortality.  (Follow this link for more on Confessions of a True Immortal.)
    After Confessions of a True Immortal, Rann began coding Immortal Face Lifts.  These energetic face and body lifts are not about changing bad looks into good looks as much as they are about transforming appearances.   Each Immortal Face Lift has specified coding for infusing joy into your embodimentopening energetic gateways to restore access to all of you, re-sequencing physical evidence of mortality into regeneration and living, or promoting personal and professional success.


        Immortal Face Lifts are light- no touch energy sessions are designed and coded to operate in the highest interests of you and your body at the time of their activation. Each Immortal Face Lift has it’s own energetic signature, and every session is unique and appropriate for supporting your own personal and physical evolution. Immortal Face Lifts may be activated as individual and group sessions.

        Immortal Face Lifts are designed to activate within a field which:
1: brings in the appropriate universal energy for each session and
2: protects each person from interference while allowing bodies to communicate with each other.

        During individual sessions you are personally coached according to your current energies and your body's current needs.  The individual session can follow the designed delivery method, or focus on specific aspects unique to you.  This can be planned beforehand, or discovered during your session

        During group sessions your body is allowed to access other bodies’ information systems in order to utilize coding in a way that works for you.  It allows bodies to do what bodies do, without bringing in energy that has been tagged with unnecessary intent or identity.  This creates greater dynamics to group sessions.   While participating in a group session, your Immortal Face Lift activation should be received as if it is an individual session.  If your intuition guides you to follow separate guidelines, then please honor your awareness.

        Due to the coding of Immortal Face Lifts, locked physical charges are neutralized throughout your body and face. This results in changes in your appearance and non verbal feedback which is recognizable by yourself and others. Your face and body will be more expressive, and your energy will experience clarity, ease, and flow. Others may not be able to describe the difference, but they will perceive your changes.


  • Face and Face & Body Lifts activate your body and face to release energies which affect your appearance and behavior in positive ways.

  • Generators & Amplifiers activate a series of fields around your body to shift the ways other perceive you in order to create greater ease in your interactions with the world around you.

  • Infrared Face & Body Masks activate specific frequencies of light in order to address a variety of cosmetic and functional needs and desires for your body without discomfort or expensive equipment.

Immortal Face Lifts may be activated once or multiple times, as frequently as desired.

* Energetic Facelifts and activations are not meant to treat medical or dermatological conditions.  If medical conditions - including inflamed or reactive skin - are present, please consult a physician before proceeding with an energetic facelift.

*Oneness Is Everything makes no guarantees or promises in regards to the effectiveness or outcomes of energetic facelifts.


Rann, thank you from my heart for developing and sharing the Mortal ReGenesis Face & Body Lift! What an amazing experience! All should know that it is very tangible, experiential and I had discernible results.
Right after the treatment, my husband (who I had spent the entire day with but had gone out on an errand) returned home. Within ten minutes he suddenly said "wow , you look lovely this evening". Instant feedback, and after 17 years of marriage, remarkable!
In the days since, I have been experiencing many signs of a shift. Muscles tensing in my face and jaw, the muscles in my back feel as though I did a heavy session at the gym, plus thirsty, thirsty, thirsty!
I have also been sleeping extremely deeply and waking up feeling very clear, grounded and in my body...very present.
Can't wait to see how the shifts unfold further, it was really fun too. Thanks again Rann!
Chris W., UK


If you like bodywork you'll want to try Rann's own original method. I had an excellent, very effective session.
LOTS of old "stuff" moved quickly and gently out. Also, I noticed much less swelling in bruises from an injury I got earlier in the week.
Thanks again, Rann!


Rann is the Bob Ross of the energy healing crowd. She encourages clients to sense and move energy in whatever way suits them. I felt really relaxed and had the giggles a lot during the session. I feel more light hearted.
Thank you Rann! Sue in California.


OMG what an experience!
Thanks Rann. You’re work is truly remarkable!


With Rann, my armor comes down and I can let go of things that I have kept bottled up my entire life.
L.L. in Colorado


During the session I experienced a lovely sense of relaxation - very welcome, as my life is quite stressed at the moment. I can't report any obvious results, although it ssisted in not so apparent ways.
Much love,
Caren Bestbier


When the process began I immediately felt the energy entering my fields, and it was particularly noticeable around my forehead. I could actually feel my face lifting. I was easily guided by your loving intention into a healing space, and enjoyed the whole session.
After the treatment I felt calm yet invigorated. My neighbors remarked on how Light and glowing I looked, I felt tighter too; now the next day my forehead is noticeably smoother, I have a more youthful glow, and, my body feels great. I had a wonderful sleep too, bonus!


My Immortal Face Lift session with Rann was a lot of fun. I instantly felt comfortable with her energy, it was like sharing time with an old friend over the phone. As we worked on various parts of the body through particular positions, my hands became very warm and then very hot, as if I had placed them on a paved road on a hot sunny day... but it didn't hurt.
My stomach gurgled, a lot and effervescent sensations mixed with twitching here and was pretty cool. It brought great awareness to energy movement in my body and the live interaction over the phone made it that much intense and fun. I hope to play energy with her again some day!"
Much love, Niki

Immortal Generator & Amplifier for Elevated Boundaries - Oneness Is Everything.jpeg

The Generator & Amplifier for Elevated Boundaries Activation

Scrubbing Bubbles Face & Body Lift - Oneness Is Everything.jpeg

The Scrubbing Bubbles Face & Body Lift

Nurturing Generator & Amplifier - Oneness Is Everything.jpeg

Nurturing Generator & Amplifier Activation

Immortal Genesis Face & Body Lift - Oneness Is Everything.jpeg

The Immortal Genesis Face & Body Lift

Immortal Face Lift Cocktail - Oneness Is Everything.jpeg

Immortal Face Lift Cocktail
