The Power of Immortal Vision Package B -The 3rd Eye is open, Now what?

The Power of Immortal Vision Package B -The 3rd Eye is open, Now what?



  Being able to recognize what is good and choose relevantly is a beautiful effect of True Vision. This package provides tools for recognizing beneficial choices and following through with those choices.
Includes 4 mp3s, total 3 hrs 25 mins of session time

  1. The Immortal Genesis Face Lift

  2. The Immortal Genesis Face Lift for Clairvoyance

  3. Time Spa Quantum Rapport for Utilizing True Vision

  4. The Beauty Generator & Amplifier

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Have you been addressing healthy vision in a singular manner?  There are 4 basic aspects of vision:  actual sight (the act of seeing external objects); the faculty of sight (the ability of vision/ the ability to see); seeing phantoms or visions (commonly referred to as second sight or prophecy); and the production of fancy (something imaginary or created perception).  Addressing any one of these aspects will create change; yet ignoring any one or more of these aspects can impact ongoing success with changes being made.

  • What is the condition of your vision that exists beyond the faculties of physical sight?  

  • How do you witness your reality?  

  • How do you perceive interactions with others?

  • How do you communicate what you are seeing?  

  • Are your visual perceptions determined solely by healthy eyes and perfect vision in a medical sense? 

  When it comes to your daily existence, there are countless encounters which impact your abilities to perceive the past, present and future within your current lifetime.  These factors play key roles in the states of your vision.  

The Immortal Vision activations and packages are designed to address limitations which can immediately impact your vision and suppress your inner immortal. The content of each package contains quantum tools which operate according to your current visual concerns and all quantum components of your being, including:

  • Physical eyes (or organs of visual systems)

  • Visual strain

  • Energetic perceptions

  • Foresight 

  • Ways you view yourself within environments

  • Ways to project successful creations into the future


What is Immortal Vision?

Immortal vision includes more than physical eyesight.  For instance, there is a difference between perfect eyesight and the perfect perception of one’s environment.  If one has 20/20 vision, one does not always witness events, interactions and occurrences perfectly.  If one has perfect eyesight, one does not always have the infallible ability to see into one’s future.  Setting medical adjustments and treatments aside for the moment, there are other facets of sight which impact one’s ability to experience true vision. 

It is common for individuals to experience the inability to see into the past or future in practical ways. This can be so common that the skill of foresight can be easily dismissed.  These occurrences are not always due to a lack of visual capacity.  There are common events throughout your lifetime which impact your ability to see due to the limitations of your willingness to see.  This is the way mortality imposes itself upon your immortal vision.   

When you witness an event and determine that you have had a pleasurable experience, you will seek more. When you observe an event and determine that what you have observed is horrible, you will avoid the possibility of encountering something similar again.  These types of experiences impact your ability to see clearly, your willingness to create a realistic future, as well as the ways you see yourself and others physically and energetically.  These types of experiences and the ways you respond and place judgements upon them impact your true vision.

The Power of Immortal Vision packages are designed to aid in overcoming various forms of visual trauma so that you can step into a new reality with clarity and empowerment. You are free to move at your own pace, and when you are ready, there are effective tools waiting to support your current changes and ongoing successes.



      Are you ready to pursue your future with an unobstructed view?  Throughout this package, not just your eyes, but your entire body-mind-field will be receiving additional activations.  If you are looking to have greater clairvoyant abilities or whether you are seeking other forms of insight, you are going to become more open to a variety of visionary avenues.

  Since each individual focuses their talents in unique ways, your natural capacities will surface and expand. This means that you will enjoy greater clarity during your day to day activities, clarity about your future, clarity regarding the information you receive, and clarity around the the ways you wish to change or wish to create anew.        With clear vision comes unhindered choice.  Have you been choosing to create or have you been choosing based upon expectation?  Is your choosing based on your own design or by an explanation?  How do you see the outcome? What is lacking in necessary detail?  With greater visual clarity, you are able to invite creations based upon your own highest interests.  Being able to recognize what is good and choose relevantly is a beautiful effect of True Vision.

The Immortal Genesis Face Lift - mp3


This energetic face & body lift is the invitation for your body to maximize its sensory ability. Your body is your vehicle, and this session will escalate your abilities for heightened awareness.  It also will align and tune you and your body for appropriate communication. This face & body lift is for anyone seeking to increase and comprehend his/her own sensory gifts with greater ease.

This is a light touch energetic face & body lift that has been specifically coded by Rann for:

  • Increasing capacities for sight, hearing, smelling, taste, knowing, and more.  

  • Bringing skeletal, muscular, vascular and nervous systems onboard for increased focus of various faculties.

  • Unlocking and restructuring of DNA as appropriate

  • Increased growth of hair at the scalp

  • Upgrading inter-dimensional sensory skills

  • Calibration for physical adaptability

Post session experiences may include:

  • facial muscular aching

  • noticeable changes in facial features

  • increased energy

  • changes in your behavior and in the behavior of others

  •  Repeated sessions produce more dynamic results

    *  Repeated immortal face lift sessions produce more dynamic results, so enjoy this audio stream frequently.  This session may be played at any volume.

The Immortal Genesis Face & Body Lift for Clairvoyance- mp3


This Special Activation Focuses On Clairsentience, Clairvoyance And Other Sensory Capacities.

This is a light touch energetic face & body lift that has been specifically coded by Rann for:

  • Increasing capacities for sight, hearing, smelling, taste, knowing, and more.  

  • Bringing skeletal, muscular, vascular and nervous systems onboard for increased focus of various faculties.

  • Unlocking and restructuring of DNA as appropriate

  • Increased growth of hair at the scalp

  • Upgrading interdimensional sensory skills

  • Calibration for physical adaptability

Time Spa Quantum Rapport For Utilizing True Vision- mp3

Save the Date-2.png

What does it mean to utilize the awareness of truth, in real-time presence while moving forward?  In some ways it is the same as a walking meditation.  In other ways it is a challenge - such as when one is awakened to the truth by way of disillusionment.  

During this Quantum Rapport session Rann facilitates the reconciliation of experiences such as these throughout the quantum field.  You will step into the experience of being challenged by confronting the truths you don’t wish to encounter.  You will also step into the experience of ever expanding creation and empowerment while utilizing your own true vision.  

In most Time Spa Quantum Rapport sessions, information is facilitated by quantum bodies.  In addition, to these facilitations, you will be hopping in and out of linear time in order to condition to your own different experiences of past, present and future awarenesses.

Learn More about Time Spa Quantum Rapport Here

The Beauty Generator & Amplifier- mp3



This Immortal Generator & Amplifier encodes the body to generate numerous energetic fields of beauty and charm. It is specifically focused to make one appealing by way of other’s definitions of beauty.  The activation is amplified even greater when one allows other’s appreciation of beauty to be specifically focused in one’s direction.  As such this Immortal Face Lift neutralizes deflecting and self deprecating responses and behaviors.

The Beauty Generator & Amplifier also generates the energy of beauty for those who are at the receiving end of the activated individual’s positive energy.  Aesthetic pleasures are triggered, ultimately creating an expanding harmony of environmental beauty.

    The Beauty Generator & Amplifier has been specifically coded by Rann for:

•    expansion of personal field

•    increased receptivity of interest and appreciation of beauty from others

•    Captivating charm.

    Post session experiences may include:

•    Easy energy flow

•    Recognition and/or greater attention from others - being seen

•    Greater inclusiveness

•    Greater vulnerability

*  Repeated immortal face lift sessions produce more dynamic results, so enjoy this audio stream frequently.  This session may be played at any volume.

- See the many ways your world can show up for you -


Package B

This package includes 4 mp3s, total session time of 3 hours 25 minutes:

  1. The Immortal Genesis Face Lift - mp3

  2. The Immortal Genesis Face Lift for Clairvoyance - mp3

  3. Time Spa Quantum Rapport for Utilizing True Vision -mp3

  4. The Beauty Generator & Amplifier -mp3


All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and are not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider.

If you have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.

The information contained in this website is not intended to recommend the self management of health problems or wellness. It is not intended to endorse or recommend any particular type of medical treatment. Should any reader have any health care related questions, promptly call or consult your physician or healthcare provider. No information contained in this website should be used by any reader to disregard medical and/or health related advice or provide a basis to delay consultation with a physician or a qualified healthcare provider.
You should not use any information contained in this website to initiate use of dietary supplements, vitamins, herbal and nutritional products or homeopathic medicine, and other described products prior to consulting first with a physician or healthcare provider. Oneness Is Everything disclaims any liability based on information provided in this website.

The Power of Immortal Vision Package C - Your Ongoing Future

The Power of Immortal Vision Package C - Your Ongoing Future

The Power of Immortal Vision Eye Activations - Package of 3

The Power of Immortal Vision Eye Activations - Package of 3

The Power of Immortal Vision Package A - The Way You See

The Power of Immortal Vision Package A - The Way You See
