Single Quantum Spin Wave Session with Rann Goldrich - 30 minutes

Single Quantum Spin Wave Session with Rann Goldrich - 30 minutes


This listing is for Quantum Spin Wave Face Lifts and Single Quantum Spin waves.

Clear out the old and create space for the new.

The Spin Wave Modality neutralizes charges on People, Places, Things, and Events that keep you locked in patterns that don't serve your current and future interests.  

Quantum Spin Wave Sessions neutralize charges that keep you polarized into locked behaviors, physical restrictions, and repetitious experiences that no longer serve your current and future interests.  These sessions also pack a punch.  One 30-minute Quantum Spin Wave Session carries more processing power than numerous 60-minute energy sessions. 


Typical Spin Wave Sessions:

  • Focus on prevalent elements that commonly hold great amounts of locked energies throughout your being and body.

  • Clear entangled threads which reoccur throughout the entirety of your timeline.

  • Access brain systems and induces brainwave states for the eradication of associative and dissociative memories.

  • Set a stage for Immortal Face & Body lifts to operate at elevated levels.

Quantum Spin Wave Sessions do everything that regular Spin Wave Sessions do, but due to their quantum nature they can address more in less time.

  • Clear greatest impacting energies surrounding all events, persons, things, and environments related to the subject of you session in quantum space.

  • Neutralize both positive and negative charges which cause physical, mental, emotional and spiritual manifestations associated with the subject of you session throughout all timelines.

  • Locate and nullify keystone events throughout all timelines which contribute to large scale patterns related to the subject of your session.

Those who have received Spin Wave sessions have experienced:

•    Greater ease and neutrality
•    Relationship changes
•    Physical changes including physical appearance
•    Behavioral changes
•    Greater awareness
•    Less Stress and Anxiety
•    Increased Perspective
•    Greater Clarity

How Do Quantum Spin Wave Face Lifts Work?

  • During Quantum Spin Wave Face Lifts, Rann performs numerous Quantum spins on specifically charged locations of the face.

  • Due to the nature of Quantum Spin Waves, the charges are located in the face, but the related information attached is unknown. This results in processing at greater intensity after the session. This also typically results in greater awarenesses.

  • At least 10 individual facial charges are neutralized during a single QSW Face Lift session.

  • QSW Facelift sessions aid in personal Non Surgical Face Lift sessions.

One Quantum Spin Wave Session is approximately 30 minutes.
This Listing is for ONE of either

  1. a Quantum Spin WaveFace Lift session or

  2. a Single Topic Quantum Spin Wave

**If processing time is a concern, it is advised to schedule your Quantum Spin Wave Session on a Thursday or Friday.
If a time is not available that suits your needs or time zone, please contact Rann at

For more information on the Spin Wave Modality Click Here.

Do you have a question about what your topic should be? No worries! Rann will assist during your session.

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