"The First Bath" Energy Bath.1 - mp3

"The First Bath" Energy Bath.1 - mp3


This is where Energy Baths began!

Indulge in the rejuvenating experience of The First Bath, whether you're already a fan of Energy Baths or embarking on this journey for the first time. This unique session promises a refreshing reset, leaving you wondering when you last felt so cleansed and clear.

Immerse yourself in this powerful 15-minute "me-time" oasis and carry its revitalizing effects with you wherever you go.

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Energy Baths are fast, easy, and they get the job done!

Pure Energetic Pampering - Take some time to make some time with a Oneness Is Everything Energy Bath!

What is an Energy Bath?
How many showers or baths have you taken in your lifetime?  What if you took a bath every day without ever cleaning the bath tub?  Would you really consider yourself clean?  Would you be able to enjoy yourself in the bath and feel truly refreshed afterwards?  

Your energy bodies are no different than your bath tub - especially if you consciously work in order to create change for the better in your reality.  How many rings have been left behind in your energetic bath tub?  How much grime is hanging around from all of the times you played in the mud?   ...Are you ready for an energy bath yet?  

Oneness Is Everything Energy Baths are activated in quantum space.  (Each energy bath activation has a runtime of approximately 15 minutes and continues running for at least an hour afterwards.) Your energy bath is warm, ready, and waiting for you.



"Loved Ones & Pets; January Creations" Energy Bath.4 - mp3

Energy Baths-greenery.png

"Timing & Success Energies" Energy Bath.8 - mp3


"After the Party" Energy Bath.3 - mp3

"Pushing Forward";  Energy Bath.20 - mp3

"Pushing Forward"; Energy Bath.20 - mp3


"The Heart Center" Energy Bath.6 - mp3
