Consciously Addressing Anger - an eBook excerpt
Consciously Addressing Anger is an essay which clarifies differences between emotional states of anger, frustration and resentment as it brings forward examples of energetic breaches (which result from weakened energetic fields) and energetic connections (which result from strengthened energetic fields). The reader is lead through a brief discovery of ways that anger, frustration and resentment play out in various levels of consciousness. Along the way there are tips and hints for ways to step into increased awareness and ways to use real-time personal growth in order to develop powerful energetic response systems.
The following is an excerpt from Rann's eBook Consciously Addressing Anger, available for purchase here
Emotions and Consciousness
With each emotion, there are levels of consciousness. As these levels increase in value, so does one’s level of awareness. This means that not only does awareness increase, but one’s ability to utilize awareness in a conscious manner increases too. Anger is a well-known emotion. Being angry or becoming locked up in anger are low forms of the emotion. Stepping out of the emotional vestment of anger is one of the first steps to increasing awareness with emotions. Once free, there are beneficial ways to use anger. First, one must address the triggers which result in anger and its expressions.
The experience of anger will always carry an energetic signature. Anger itself does not change. It is the level of consciousness which shifts one’s behavior and increases the immensity of this emotion. This may be misinterpreted. Some may think that increasing one’s awareness can make that individual more angry. By increasing awareness, one is able to access more evolved utilizations of anger which exist in inclusive realities of greater consciousness. It could result in one becoming more angry, but this would not exhibit in the same manner as increasing the intensity of an unconscious angry reaction.
In lower forms of consciousness, anger, can appear to be the same as frustration and resentment. As one shifts, one can more easily recognize the differences amongst these three emotions and what they signify within one’s experience. Anger, is an action or reaction to a trigger. Frustration is a signal of lacking information. Resentment is the effect of judgement which results from increased awareness.
One may be experiencing anger in reaction to overwhelm from too much work. Frustration manifests when the work itself could be easier, but one doesn’t understand the way to make that occur. Resentment is looking at all of the “wasted hours” one spent before understanding the efficient process that was present for the entire duration of frustration.
Energetic Breaches
When one is spinning one’s wheels just to keep up, it is easy for external disharmony to initiate or increase disruption. This can be described as an energetic breach. Energetic breaches occur when one’s field is compromised in some way. Anger is a common reaction to a personal breach, especially when one is already in a state of overwhelm.
Typically, a form of unconsciousness is present in these moments. Frustration may present itself in the face of the unconsciousness piece. When one becomes frustrated, it is best to remember that questions for information must be asked. The easiest question is “What information do I need right now?”
There are several examples of energetic breaches. Energetic breaches are common and they typically affect every person. This may explain why it is sometimes unsettling or strange when an individual doesn’t react to an emotional stimuli in a manner that most would expect. An irregular response may be an indication of someone operating outside of the norm by surpassing reactive emotional states.
In order to advance one’s own personal response levels, it is good to understand some common forms of energetic breaches. The following will cover a few, ever-present energetic breaches:
- Non existent boundaries
- Running past programs
- Interference
Just because these breaches are present, does not mean that their effects are imperative. Changing one’s responses during these breaches ignites changes in one’s reality and in one’s consciousness.
Non Existent Boundaries
Non existent boundaries is the first example of energetic breaches which allows for a lack of clarity and rules. For this type of breach, a weak boundary should be seen as a non existent boundary. If a boundary can be circumvented or bypassed, it is ineffectual, and thereby non existent. Even as this nuance is described, anger begins to present itself for some readers. This is because underlying reinforcements that have been relied upon in order to prove the existence of certain boundaries are being realized as ineffective.
In this setting anger is a response to the truth that perceived boundaries are not working. Put in another way, anger is a response to the lie that valid boundaries exist when they can be circumvented. Sometimes there may be an additional response to a revelation of vulnerability in place of what was once perceived to be an impervious barrier.
Non existent boundaries may exist for one or for another or for both. Whether or not one has well-instituted boundaries, another with non existent boundaries can still attempt to challenge. The challenge may lead to anger, frustration or resentment- especially when the one being challenged is accustomed to taking on the responsibilities of others and the challenger is taking a battering ram to newly established rules. Inciting emotional reaction is the goal of the challenger. Emotional reaction - especially anger - creates instability, so that a breach may successfully occur. During the breach frustration will present itself. After the breach, resentment will rise.