Consciously addressing emotional awareness
Package A
Stepping into emotional awareness
Being aware of your emotions and being able to communicate clearly about what you are feeling is a benefit to yourself and those around you. There is an awakening consciousness that rides in the wake of this form of emotional awareness and clarity. Tapping into awakening is an eternal path which leads to greater capacities with your own talents, abilities, and unique skills. Empathy, Compassion, Intuition, and Knowing are just a few of these expansive capacities which share connections with emotional awareness.
Stepping into emotional awareness is a journey. It requires you to love yourself, and give gratitude to others. It requires that you detach from deep seeded human emotions so that the flow within can support your soaring spirit. The following tools will allow you to
- Embrace yourself through emotional experiences in real-time.
- Let go of misunderstandings which lead to emotional discord during positive shifts.
- Open up to personal resources which have been shut down or otherwise diminished due to emotional unawareness.
- Shift your personal fields for changes in your appearance and in your reality.
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Brainwave Breathing - Alpha; shifting emotional overwhelm in realtime.
Alpha Brainwaves are associated with forms of emotional behaviors and processing.
(This includes all emotions and emotional behaviors - including emotional eating)
Your brain cycles through a variety of states throughout each day and night. These brainwave cycles regulate your sleep, your daily activities, and record your experiences. There are several methods by which one can induce the body into one of these states. One of the most practical is through breathing.
This breath meditation is designed for engaged practice in order to purge blockages in the natural cycle of brainwave states.
In addition, this session aids in dealing with regular encounters which trigger unwanted or unnecessary behaviors.
Excellent for Beginner to Advanced practice
Proven techniques for stopping anxiety attacks
Reduce stress
Deal with real time stressors in a matter of minutes
Increase ease of processing Quantum Spin Wave sessions
Alpha Brainwaves are associated with forms of emotional behaviors and processing. (This includes all emotions and emotional behaviors - including emotional eating)
This Brainwave Breathing Meditation includes:
introduction to breathing depth and count
optional cycles of breathing
induction of at least one brainwave state
The Immortal Facelift
This energetic facelift activation is the invitation to embrace your own immortality. Your face is your calling card, and this activation will facilitate a natural peace and brilliance which is delivered through your face, both physically and energetically. It is not for changing bad looks to good looks. It is for anyone looking to emanate immortality in his/her visage and presence.
This audio is an energetic face lift activation that has been specifically coded by Rann for:
enlivening skin with light and color
enlivening skin and muscular structure with elasticity
neutralizing facial charges which cause rigidity
neutralizing facial charges which cause wrinkles
introduction of allowance for physical and energetic shifts which promote rejuvenation
Post session experiences may include:
facial muscular aching
noticeable changes in facial features
noticeable changes in facial demeanor
noticeable changes in behavioral responses of others
* Repeated immortal face lift sessions produce more dynamic results, so enjoy this audio stream frequently. This session may be played at any volume.
The Youthening Face & Body Lift
This Energetic Face & Body Lift Activation is the invitation to embrace all of the energy available to you, no matter which stage of life you enjoy in this moment. It is common in this reality to surrender energetic magnitude to youth as one becomes older, which manifests as a decrease in vitality on several mental, physical and energetic levels. This face & body lift activation removes blockages of energy due to mortal entrainment, and is for anyone seeking to reclaim his/her immortal energetic flows.
This is an Energetic Face & Body Lift Activation that has been specifically coded by Rann for:
enlivening skin with appearance of child-like youth
toning skin and muscular and skeletal structure with elasticity and flexibility
promoting efficiencies for hydration and elimination of toxins
promoting the inclusion of fun, boundless energy, being seen AND heard; receiving, processing, and balanced integration and application
allowance for physical and energetic shifts which promote rejuvenation
During this audio session, Rann activates and runs this energetic facelift while instructing you in the most effective ways to direct the energies that are activated.
Post session experiences may include:
facial muscular aching
skin sensitivity
more energy
noticeable changes in physical features of body and/or face
noticeable changes in facial demeanor
noticeable changes in behavioral responses of self and others
* Repeated immortal face lift sessions produce more dynamic results, so enjoy this audio stream frequently. This session may be played at any volume.
Addressing chakras which have been affected by emotional discord.
The mp3 for this activation is included with your package.
This is a live event which is scheduled to occur on November 3, 2018 at 10:30 am Mountain Time.
Weblinks and call information are included below.
Once this event has taken place, you will be able to download the audio file.
Please click the "download" button on the right side of the above audio player.
Chakra Activations For What You And Your Bodies Are Encountering Now.
It is easy to get caught up in awakening, exploring, remembering, and enjoying the many fun light worker tools and modalities that are available. In some ways, chakra activations seem to be old school stepping stones to the super highway of big energy work. With this mindset, they can easily be forgotten or neglected. It is important to remember and include the basics of any system. Chakras are an widely accepted, ancient and modern energy system of the body, mind, and spirit. With such an unaltered history, it is best the they are well-attended.
Chakra Activations coded by Rann Goldrich are geared towards setting up congruous relationships with all of your selves throughout existence. This means that any parallel or dimensional lifetimes with which you coexist are included in each activation. This will include any number of lifetimes which are affected by certain work or change which you are instituting now. In this way, these activations can clear lifetimes of residue and unify your energetic centers (such as chakras) for increased capacity and allowance.
During this Chakra Activation coded by Rann Goldrich, chakras affected by emotional discord will
Connect with all of your available selves.
Receive cleansing by a variety of methods.
Calibrate to your current changes.
Prepare for future changes.
Tune with light through methods of sound (such as chromesthesia).
Harmonize through tones by 3's
Reference continuum connections for additional enrichment.
Correct and align according to new shifts.
Open to increased flows throughout all pathways.
**These activations can seriously affect motor skills, so it is good to set aside time on a day off or during your down time when you can easily sleep. The activations themselves are relatively short; however, the integration of the activation on your physical plane can take up to 8 hours or more.