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Welcome to the walkabout through the currently available QSW sessions. This experience can be likened to a transformative journey that leads you towards greater neutrality, flow, and positive attraction in your life. By participating in these sessions, you will actively clear quantum residue that may be causing troublesome effects when left unaddressed. Let's embrace this journey together and unlock the power of positive transformation!

This Walkabout begins with sessions that form the core of the human experience, playing essential roles across your master timelines. Every 6 weeks, a new QSW session will be highlighted, guiding you through a journey that starts with foundational aspects, progresses through transitional phases and personal development, and concludes with topics centered around transpersonal relationships. Join us on this transformative path of self-discovery and growth!

The beauty of Quantum Spin Waves lies in their reusability - they can be relied upon repeatedly for transformative purposes. With each use, they penetrate deeper, gradually clearing scalar patterns and reshaping the current state of your reality along with the physical manifestations within it. Embrace this powerful tool to catalyze positive shifts and elevate your existence to new heights.
Watch a video about Quantum Spin Waves Here.


Children & Offspring

In the human experience immortality physically manifests in the instinctual drive to procreate. Children and offspring provide the palette for genetic codes to continue and evolve.

In a different capacity, children and offspring are representatives key attachments, and present many opportunities as well as obstacles for personal growth. If you are here as a human, you are someone’s child or offspring. As such, you have been connected to a parent genetically, socially, and environmentally. You have been loved, raised, steered, controlled, impacted, entrained and programmed from your beginnings and your ongoing connections.

Here is where you begin to attract or reject control, rebel against rules, submit to council, and formulate initial opinions. Here is also where you develop dreams based upon things which are shown to you, rather than things which are presented in an honest and straightforward manner.

As a parent, you are on the other side of this experience. You are blessed with observing the child/offspring connection from a different point of view. Your authority is challenged in new ways. You realize you have sensitivities which never exhibited themselves before. You may find yourself the subject of ongoing manipulations. You may also find yourself to be the orchestrator of manipulations. Your need to control now has a format to play itself out.

As a human being children represent a life stage, innocence, purity, youth, honesty, insight, new beginnings, future, and possibilities- to list a few. Do you react to or reject children or the idea of children? Do you experience a fondness of children? Do you take up causes for children’s well being?

Amongst all of these matters, it is best to approach this Quantum Spin Wave with the understanding that there are more connections to be neutralized than you can possibly realize.

Thank you for joining me for this next evolution.



Is this your first time with these Quantum Spin Waves?

Over the net 36 days, you can consciously utilize these sessions up to 5 times each.

For your first series, it is best to approach this topic through your own personal experiences.

  1. Focus on your children. If you have more than one child, then focus on each child individually. (So if you have 3 kids, then play the session 3 times, each time focusing solely on one child. Ideally, you will want to play this session twice for each child- one round for positive charges, and a second round for negative charges.)

  2. Focus on all of your children/offspring as a group. This may be your literal children and grandchildren. This may be your creative offspring, pets, objects of nurture. Anything you may have referred to as your “baby”. (Again, it is ideal to play this session twice- one round for positive charges, and a second round for negative charges.)

  3. Focus on yourself as a child. We have already walked about the Quantum Spin Wave for Mother and Father, so this isn’t about your mom and dad. This is about your experiences as a child. After this session, you may become aware of other influencing characters from your childhood. If one or two hold significant charge, then it will be good to receive a separate session to neutralize them.

  4. By the 4th session, patterns will have surfaced. In particular, you may notice patterns which involve your issues which may have come in from a past experience or were initiated during your childhood. It is likely that this pattern will involve your children/offspring. It is possible for this pattern to reveal itself in multiple directions. However it presents itself, hold it in your mind, and allow it to change during this session.

  5. By the 5th week, since this has a possible genetic component to it, there may be an exponential ripple to the scale of this topic. It may surface in the form of a greater pattern which involves a greater aspect of what you previously considered to be family. It may surface in an unforeseen way. Use this session at your discretion.



Been Here Before?

The Bigger Story

If you have already used these sessions a few times, there are ways for you to delve further into your spiritual expansion.  After utilizing Quantum Spin Waves focused on the subject of children/offspring for about 5 cycles, you will have a different point of view of not of children/offspring, but of attachments and others.  

At this point, you may be aware of a few incidents or events involving children/offspring that may need to be addressed.  You can also spread your wings in new ways.

Week 1.  Focus on the emotional child (your psychological child). 

Week 2.  Focus on a child or children again. As your children grow, they bring up new things for you to learn about. It is highly possible that you are resisting these things via your child or children. If you do not have children of your own, focus on children who are under your responsibility or protection as an adult. This may be you as a taxpayer, troop leader, representative, etc.

Week 3.  Focus on the patterns regarding the ways you connect with children.

Week 4.  Focus on your child as your parent/teacher. (This is a personal authority topic.)

Week 5.  By now, you are familiar with the way this works. What has come up? Who or what is triggering you through your children? What seems to be out of your control?



Ready to Kick it UP?

If you are wanting to address any issues regarding Children/offspring in a new way, there are now QSWs for bodies. Each session focuses on certain energy centers and is related to specific chakra energies.

This level is self guided, and will impact all matters housed in these energy centers, not solely money. By using these sessions, you will not only be clearing and neutralizing thought forms, physical trauma, and unknown (or no longer remembered) charges- you will also be training your body to process large amounts of energies in real time.


WhAT’S next
in the QSW Walkabout?