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Welcome to the walkabout through the currently available QSW sessions. This experience can be likened to a transformative journey that leads you towards greater neutrality, flow, and positive attraction in your life. By participating in these sessions, you will actively clear quantum residue that may be causing troublesome effects when left unaddressed. Let's embrace this journey together and unlock the power of positive transformation!

This Walkabout begins with sessions that form the core of the human experience, playing essential roles across your master timelines. Every 6 weeks, a new QSW session will be highlighted, guiding you through a journey that starts with foundational aspects, progresses through transitional phases and personal development, and concludes with topics centered around transpersonal relationships. Join us on this transformative path of self-discovery and growth!

The beauty of Quantum Spin Waves lies in their reusability - they can be relied upon repeatedly for transformative purposes. With each use, they penetrate deeper, gradually clearing scalar patterns and reshaping the current state of your reality along with the physical manifestations within it. Embrace this powerful tool to catalyze positive shifts and elevate your existence to new heights.
Watch a video about Quantum Spin Waves Here.



In the human experience, money has become an indispensable utility. It represents many things, value, exchange, status, position, strength, weakness, success, failure - amongst many other things. This is a foundational Quantum Spin Wave topic because without money, or the ability to exchange with something that carries monetary value, human life cannot sustain itself.

When money is abundant and a secondary concern, it can quickly become a positive charge which leads to holding on and hoarding at one extreme, and rampant spending sprees at the other extreme.

When money is scarce and quickly depleting, it can quickly become a negative charge which leads to general stress at one extreme and deep seeded fear at the other extreme.

Money impacts our security, will, sense of value, freedom, abilities to create, willingness to take risks, and our sense of responsibility on behalf of others.

For this Quantum Walkabout, be prepared for money to reveal the ways material needs have been holding you back.

Thank you for joining me for this next evolution.

Money;   Quantum Spin Wave Session - mp3
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Quantum Spin Waves for Fears



Is this your first time with these Quantum Spin Waves?

Over the net 36 days, you can consciously utilize these sessions up to 5 times each.

  1. Focus on the most fun with money you have ever had - greatest security, want for nothing, etc.

  2. Focus on the least fun with money you have ever experienced - greatest insecurity, fear of lack, etc.

  3. By this week’s sessions, you will have shifted dynamically. So what is left over? How do you feel about it? What images or memories stand out the most? Has Fear surfaced? Focus on these things during this session.

  4. By the 4th session, patterns will have surfaced. In particular, you may notice patterns which not only involve your personal issues (or past issues) with money, but those of your family, loved ones, and greater embodiment. This may even reveal at a global scale. You may have been aware of these patterns, but you will now have more objectivity about the ways these patterns have been playing out. What can you see with a neutralized perspective that you were unable to see before? All the patterns to surface so that everything can change during this session.

  5. By the 5th week, you will notice unexpected (and perhaps expected) connections to money that have been lying beneath the surface of your everyday life. We are coming off the Quantum Walkabout for sex - this can play a role in the week 5 experience. Pay attention, but don’t think too far into it. Focus on the subject matter and receive the Quantum Spin Wave.



Been Here Before?

The Bigger Story

If you have already used these sessions a few times, there are ways for you to delve further into your spiritual expansion.  After utilizing Quantum Spin Waves focused on the subject of sex for about 5 cycles, you will have a different point of view of not of sex, but of your ability to connect and receive as well.  

At this point, you may be aware of a few incidents or events involving sex that may need to be addressed.  You can also spread your wings in new ways.

Week 1.  Focus on money as a relationship pattern. 

Week 2.  Focus on money as the driving factor of your relationships in the world, such as social networks, workplace, and other public endeavors.

Week 3.  Focus on the patterns regarding the ways you deal with connections and receiving your value.

Week 4.  Focus on money as being.

Week 5.  You may focus on unknown entrainments which stem from money.  There may also be a  pattern surfacing at this point.  Pay attention.  Can you see or feel a common connection?  If you sense this, then focus on the patterns which are also connected through this juncture.  It will be more difficult to concentrate on this one.  Remember, whatever your topic is, stay focus upon that thing for the first 10 minutes of the session.



Ready to Kick it UP?

If you are wanting to address any issues regarding Sex in a new way, there are now QSWs for bodies. Each session focuses on certain energy centers and is related to specific chakra energies.

This level is self guided, and will impact all matters housed in these energy centers, not solely money. By using these sessions, you will not only be clearing and neutralizing thought forms, physical trauma, and unknown (or no longer remembered) charges- you will also be training your body to process large amounts of energies in real time.

These are very similar to the centers related to sex. Look out for new ones. :)


WhAT’S next
in the QSW Walkabout?