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Welcome to the walkabout through the currently available QSW sessions. This experience can be likened to a transformative journey that leads you towards greater neutrality, flow, and positive attraction in your life. By participating in these sessions, you will actively clear quantum residue that may be causing troublesome effects when left unaddressed. Let's embrace this journey together and unlock the power of positive transformation!

This Walkabout begins with sessions that form the core of the human experience, playing essential roles across your master timelines. Every 6 weeks, a new QSW session will be highlighted, guiding you through a journey that starts with foundational aspects, progresses through transitional phases and personal development, and concludes with topics centered around transpersonal relationships. Join us on this transformative path of self-discovery and growth!

The beauty of Quantum Spin Waves lies in their reusability - they can be relied upon repeatedly for transformative purposes. With each use, they penetrate deeper, gradually clearing scalar patterns and reshaping the current state of your reality along with the physical manifestations within it. Embrace this powerful tool to catalyze positive shifts and elevate your existence to new heights.
Watch a video about Quantum Spin Waves Here.


attachment & detachment

Throughout this walkabout, I have relished the transformations stemming from enhanced neutrality towards fundamental subjects. In recent weeks, I've been actively incorporating these shifts while observing the unfolding events in the world around me. Certain foundational topics have evolved and are no longer as relevant to our current reality compared to earlier this year. This serves as a testament to the evolving nature of change itself. Embrace this evolution and flow with the ever-changing currents of life.

Sometimes, we encounter energies that appear to obstruct our progress, only to discover that they stem from past engagements or purposes that hold no significance in our present endeavors. It's common to feel tied to the past in such situations. On the flip side, one may also experience a sense of detachment. This phenomenon can manifest in various forms - be it a nostalgic memory or a broader shift in one's perception of reality. Embrace these moments of introspection and allow yourself to navigate the delicate balance between attachment and detachment.

Delving into age-old topics can often reveal profound insights that resonate deeply with the present moment. What are your investments? What are your expectations? What obstacles are you facing? What areas of confusion or stress are you grappling with? Are you encountering gains and losses, or are fears beginning to surface? Within this Quantum Spin Wave session, you will unearth keys to acquiring, releasing, seeking, letting go, understanding the elusive, and exploring elements of self-sabotage. Enjoy this journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Thank you for joining me for this next evolution!


Attachment and Detachment; Quantum Spin Wave Session



Is this your first time with these Quantum Spin Waves?

Over the net 36 days, you can consciously utilize these sessions up to 5 times each.

For your first series, it is best to approach this topic through your own personal experiences.

  1. Don’t focus on anything and allow the session to play. If you find yourself emotionally or otherwise charged after playing, then play it again while in your charged state.

  2. Again, don’t focus on anything, and allow the session to play.

  3. For the first time, you will likely have clear awareness of the way attachment and detachment are playing out with you personally. The more connected you feel to a subject matter or person, the more relevant it is to focus on this. A “positive” attachment will be advantageous in most circumstances. (A positive example of attachment is 1. directly an object or person that you do not want to lose. 2. indirectly a behavior that has worked for you in the past, but is not conducive for your future goals.) If you focus on an attachment during a session, the detachment side of the coin will also be cleared. This saves you the effort of having to figure everything out before enjoying your session.

  4. This week, look for the ways you easily separate yourself from the things you don’t like. This is your “go-to”. It may be the way you avoid your deep fears. It may be your unwillingness to listen to a point of view or a prognosis. It may be some pesky thing that signifies an incomplete reality or an out of touch reality. You are both attached and detached to whatever this is. Once you have some piece of it, hold it in your mind while you start the session. After the first 2 minutes of the session, you can relax your mind and receive.

  5. By the 5th week, a pattern will have surfaced in some manner. You may focus on the greater pattern. If this is the way you choose to receive this session, it will likely result in awareness of the actual scale of the pattern chosen. If you find yourself overwhelmed by it, play the session from your charged state (even if it is within the same week.)
    It is also possible that you have multiple attachments and detachments, and it may be time to focus on the next relevant issue for you. This is normal. Follow your intuition and inner knowing.

    **There are elements of this session which will identify the way that others attach to you and detach from you. If a relationship presents itself in such a way, focus on it in the form of a pattern - even if the way the pattern works with you is unknown.



If you have made it this far…

I am including a free stream of the Quantum Spin Wave for Job, Duty, Career, & Service. If you find yourself unemployed, this will be a good choice. :)

If you also find yourself if a situation of desperation or in a situation of out of choice, the attachment/detachment session will be good. In regards to a job or breadwinning responsibilities, this session will be of benefit.

need a job photo.jpg

WhAT’S next
in the QSW Walkabout?