The Mini Face Lift Gift Set
Perfect for Special Occasions
This Gift Set Includes:
The Mini Enlightening Face & Body Lift (20 minutes)- mp3 download
The Mini Orgasmic Face & Body Lift (20 minutes)- mp3 download
5 Days Access to the Infrared Light Mask Day Spa (24/7 streaming access)
Plus a Secret Bonus mp3 download
Mini Immortal Face Lift - MP3
The Enlightening Face & Body Lift
Energized & Radiant Being
This face & body lift infuses the body mind, and spirit with a variety of energies for a balanced, enlightened visage and presence. Additional luminary coding cleanses, combs, and brightens your auric field for an exhibition of multi layered radiance.
This is an energetic face lift activation that has been specifically coded by Rann for:
intense focus
regulated energy
modulated breathing for physical, spiritual and mental wellness
increased circulation
This is a very high energy Immortal Face Lift and should not be played before resting or sleeping.
Post session experiences may include:
facial muscular aching
noticeable changes in facial features
noticeable changes in facial demeanor
noticeable changes in behavioral responses of others
* Repeated sessions produce more dynamic results
Would you like to see other Immortal Face Lifts? Visit Listings or Learn More Here.
Mini Immortal Face Lift - MP3
The Orgasmic Face & Body Lift
This Immortal Face Lift is coded for the allowance of use between couples.
Open your world to an ecstatic state of living with raised degrees of love consciousness.
Enjoy enlivening states of arousal and intimacy with this Immortal Face Lift. Designed to evoke the experience the sensations orgasmic living along with increased receptivity of intimacy - this face and body lift is perfect for individuals and couples alike.
Enjoy this session alone or with your chosen partner. Like all Immortal Face Lifts, The Orgasmic Face & Body Lift proves each recipient with a unique activation field. This allows you and your chosen partner to enjoy this session together, while each of you receive energies in your own respective highest interests. Relish your sensitivities and discover heightened states of consciousness together with total freedom.
This is an energetic face lift activation that has been specifically coded by Rann for:
expansion of physical sensations which are typically restricted within the body.
natural after glow
intimacy with self and in relationships
transformation beyond applications of the mundane
Post session experiences may include:
increased/heightened physical sensitivity
facial muscular aching
noticeable changes in facial features
noticeable changes in facial demeanor
noticeable changes in behavioral responses of others
* Repeated sessions produce more dynamic results
Share with a friend, partner or lover - it’s your choice.
There are some conditions, so please keep reading.
* If you are going to pair up, choose your partner before using this gift set.
* The coding of The Orgasmic Face & Body Lift session will allow for one personal share partner, and it will only activate 2 individuals at a time.
* When shared- The Orgasmic Face & Body Lift operates best when enjoyed by those whom have a physical connection.
* Sharing the Orgasmic Face & Body Lift is not a requirement to receive a full activation.
* For this package, other content may be shared with your chosen partner. Both individuals must be present with each other in order for shared activations to work. (Sharing over the phone is okay.)
* There is one owner of the package. This individual does not have permission to duplicate recorded sessions in order to share with others. If duplication of content occurs, activations will not operate fully due to coded energetic copyright.
Would you like to see other Immortal Face Lifts? Visit Listings or Learn More Here.
Energy Centre Activation 1
For Harmonizing Chakras, Auras and Personal Alignment
Energy Centre Activations at Oneness Is Everything are coded for what you and your bodies are encountering now.
This activation is most associated with the root chakra, although it may activate any Energy Centre of your Body at the time it is Enjoyed. The Root chakra is associated with connection, security, and Safety. Classically it is known as the Muladhara. For this particular session, the classic Chakra systems are taken into account while several Additional energetic activations take place.
During the coding of these activations, Rann Goldrich was inspired by ancient chakra systems awakening, healing and alignment. Chakras are an widely accepted, ancient and modern energy system of the body, mind, and spirit. There are a variety of primary and secondary systems, depending on school and modality. Despite differences there is a common, unaltered history regarding the existences of these energy centers. In some ways, activations of this nature may seem to be old school stepping stones to the super highway of big energy work. It is important for any student to remember and include the basics of any system. The student of energy is no different. These Energy Centre activations are designed to work in priority according to your current needs. In this way, the seeker is always on the present path in harmony with the Self.
Energy Centre Activations at OIE are geared towards setting up congruous relationships with all emanations of your Self throughout existence. This means that any parallel or dimensional lifetimes with which you coexist are included in each activation. This will include any number of lifetimes which are affected by certain work or change which you are instituting now. In this way, these activations can clear lifetimes of residue and unify your energetic centers (such as chakras) for increased capacity and allowance.
During each Energy Centre Activation at OIE, a primary energy centre will:
Connect with all of your available selves.
Receive cleansing by a variety of methods.
Calibrate to your current changes.
Prepare for future changes.
Tune with light through methods of sound (such as chromesthesia).
Harmonize through tones by 3’s
Reference continuum connections for additional enrichment.
Correct and align according to new shifts.
Open to increased flows throughout all pathways.