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Quantum Walkabout Week 17 - Free Streaming This Week

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Quantum Spin Wave for Children & Offspring


(no signup required)

In the human experience immortality physically manifests in the instinctual drive to procreate. Children and offspring provide the palette for genetic codes to continue and evolve.

In an emotional capacity, children and offspring at key attachments, and present many opportunities as well as obstacles for personal growth. If you are here as a human, you are someone’s child or offspring. As such, you have been connected to a parent genetically, socially, and environmentally. You have been raised, steered, controlled, impacted, entrained and programmed from your beginnings and your ongoing connections. Here is where you begin to reject control, rebel against rules, submit to council, and formulate initial opinions.

As a parent, you are on the other side of this experience. You are blessed with observing the child/offspring connection from a different point of view. Your authority is challenged in new ways. You realize you have sensitivities which never exhibited themselves before. You may find yourself the subject of ongoing manipulations. Your need to control now has a format to play itself out.

As a human being children represent a life stage, innocence, purity, youth, honesty, insight, new beginnings, future, and possibilities- to list a few. Do you react to or reject children or the idea of children? Do you experience a fondness of children? Do you take up causes for children’s well being?

Amongst all of these matters, it is best to approach this Quantum Spin Wave with the understanding that there are more connections here to be neutralized than you can possibly realize.

Thank you for joining me for this next evolution.


For this first week:

  1. Focus on your children. If you have more than one child, then focus on each child individually. (So if you have 3 kids, then play the session 3 times, each time focusing solely on one child.)

  2. If you do not have children, focus on your childhood friends, younger classmates, or younger cousins/relatives. If this direction does not apply, focus on your experience or lack of experience with children. What do you think of children? What don’t you like about them? What do you like about them? What are your current charged states regarding children?



For use with Quantum Spin Wave sessions:

Brainwave Breathing Meditations are conscious breathing techniques for processing large amounts of information in small amounts of time. With continuous practice, you will be able to reduce processing time and intensity. As an added benefit, you will also train your body to shift energetics on your behalf.

Beta (Activity, Physical Behaviors & Processing);   Brainwave Breathing Meditations - mp3
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