More Expansion Please!
The Scrubbing Bubbles Face & Body Lift - LiveStream
Popular for calming anxiety, dealing with fear, racing thoughts, and inability to sleep.
Expansive Joy And Freedom - Busting Anxiety and Fear
It’s time to open up to something new. We have begun the Quantum Walkabout for Money, and there is plenty of intensity to go around for everyone, whether or not they are participating. If you are a current partcipant in the Quantum Walkabout, your processing may be greater than you are accustomed. This Immortal Face Lift will help.
You do not have to be participating in the Quantum Walkabout to experience intensity during these times. There are myriads who are thriving on the overwhelm of others. It is easy to be swept into this massive tidal wave that is washing over the globe. Allow it to wash over you.
For a limited time everyone is welcome to enjoy the Scrubbing Bubbles Immortal Face & Body Lift. (If you notice a lag in streaming, and you have received this session, please close your webpage so others can enjoy free access without disruption.)
The Scrubbing Bubbles Face & Body Lift
The Scrubbing Bubbles Face & Body Lift Activation is the invitation to step into expanding space which mitigates fear and its controlling effects. This immortal face lift is designed to imbibe your face, body and being with energies of expansion. In doing so, conditions are set for individuals to calmly face resistances due to fears and eliminate non verbal feedback which communicates vulnerability to intimidation. This face lift is for anyone seeking to exude calm in states of potency, receiving and taking action.
This is an Energetic Face & Body Lift Activation that has been specifically coded by Rann for:
illuminating skin with light and color - Uniquely Coded Glow Pack is included
eliminating facial charges created by contracted states of being.
inviting calm and potency to presence and demeanor
promoting efficiencies for neutralizing anxiety and its physical effects.
programmed quantum rapport of bodies for non sequenced immortal functions
metabolization of UV radiation
During this session, Rann activates this energetic facelift while instructing you in the most effective ways to direct the energies that are activated.
Post session experiences may include:
needing to close eyes
short spells of intense energies moving around face
not wanting to speak
muscular aching and tiredness
noticeable changes in facial demeanor
noticeable changes in behavioral responses of self and others
greater acceptance of personal appearance