Silent Decompression of Annual Cycles into the Timelessness of Immortality mp3

Silent Decompression of Annual Cycles into the Timelessness of Immortality mp3



This Time Spa Session addresses energies that are compressed into annual cycles throughout your lifetimes and timelines.  These compressed energies create aging, unwanted lifecycle patterns, and grand scale planetary imprints which affect all other dependent life forms.  

The Silent Decompression of Annual Cycles operates at quantum levels to eliminate constricted timelines which, in turn, opens you to the spaces of immortality.

This session is beneficial for addressing loops, cycles and recurring energies including:

  • New Year celebrations and intentions (all holidays and religions)
  • Anniversaries
  • Birthdays/death days
  • Momentous occasions invoking annual patterns or anticipation for certain dates
  • Patterns built upon annual cycels


Delivery - mp3 format 31:28

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The Time Spa is an operating system for all modalities developed by The Immortal Rann.  It is designed to work with energy that is not restricted to linear time.  




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