Enjoy Your Session In Your Own Time...
Almost all sessions purchased through Oneness Is Everything have an available audio file. Some of these files are included with purchase, and others are available in addition to access to classes.
Since content through Oneness Is Everything is globally available, it is common for some participants to be sleeping, working, driving, or handling other matters during class times. On occasion participants may be heard listening to music, washing dishes, eating with their families, or even sleeping while the live lines are open. In order to include everyone, many session recordings occur in quantum space so they remain pertinent and current each time they are used.
In addition to including everyone, sessions held within quantum space include information that cannot always be remembered. Recordings come in really handy when this is the case. With Oneness Is Everything digital content, you are able to enjoy your session in your own time.
Energetic Copyrights...
All digital products, including mp3s downloads, available through Oneness Is Everything have Rann’s encoded energetic copyright. There are occasional questions about what this means, and why it is necessary.
There are some who expect others to operate honestly when receiving energetic work of a spiritual nature. Unfortunately this is not always a realistic expectation. MP3s and digital products are very easy to duplicate and share with others. Oftentimes work of this nature is shared from a good place without full consideration of all that is occurring.
Rann’s energetic and intellectual property coding includes this possibility of sharing, duplication or theft by disabling activations and energy sessions for those who have not purchased the content. If you are enjoying your purchased content around friends and family by way of regular encounter or daily activity, the energies within activations and recordings may be palpable when perceived by others, but the energies will be activating the purchaser’s body in integrity.
There is additional coding set to rebound when an individual or individuals attempt to duplicate or steal content; utilize digital sessions in a manner incongruent to the original intentions of the session work; or utilize activations in a manner discordant to the harmonic resonance of the energies within the sessions. The rebound itself meets the intention of misuse. This is solely a reflection of energies. The augmented capacity of the rebound is not of a dark path. Instead, the augmentation consists of additional high spiritual energies. These energies are specifically set to transcend the initial desires which create the need to act out of integrity in the first place.
Why go this far? Other than the obvious that affects the livelihood of Rann and her family- when an individual duplicates quantum energies, one is also duplicating a moment in time which can define and manipulate the content being delivered. For the individual at the receiving end of duplicated content of this nature, it is like receiving a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy…etc.
Who created the copy? Why was the copy actually created? Is the copy of high quality? Each copy typically contains additional corrupted information, resulting in temporal discord and disruption which creates - at best - unnecessary or extreme processing. At times, this can shut an individual or individuals down or require additional cleansing of energies that these persons may not be able to recognize or facilitate for themselves.
Understanding these nuances and accounting for their possibilities is what operating in conscious integrity is all about. Disabling activations and energies is a way of maintaining the integrity of Rann’s work as well as the integrity in the behaviors of others who receive this work.
Enjoy your mobile Oneness Is Everything session - whether it be a live broadcast, your first download, or your 100th replay of audio streaming - with the knowledge that the energy you are receiving is just for you.
If you are still curious, experience sample audios HERE. * (This link will take you to a third party service regarding Oneness Is Everything subscription content. You will not see this item in your shopping cart.)
Sample audios are free to Oneness Is Everything Members. (You are able to unsubscribe at any time.)